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Have you been posting but not getting any responses from women?
I decided that I am going to give you a few pointers on how to create a better ad (from a woman's perspective). Why? bc its 2 am, I'm bored and the crap you guys are writing is making me want to vomit.1. The Title- You should KNOW that all the other guys are going to put something X rated, something that is supposed to be 'funny/clever' but isn't, or something totally crude/ revolting in the title. So, make yourself stand out. Put something sweet, sincere or straightforward (yet respectable) in the title. Even if you are just trying to get laid, remember women want to be given the illusion that you want more than just their vagina. Most importantly, USE PROPER GRAMMAR/SPELLING to fool them into thinking that you have a brain and make them click on your ad. 2. Describe what you are looking for (sex) but without using language that will make her want to gauge her eyes out. This means, don't refer to yourself as daddy and her as slut, even if that is what you would like to be referred to later on, save it for when you are having a private email conversation. For the ad, limit yourself to regular PC statements. 3. Include a description of yourself, not just your penis.4. Most importantly, write sentences that show that you have at least a cursory understanding of the English language. Consider this the "Prove-You-Graduated-From-Elementary-School-Contest" and post an ad that is written above a 3rd grade level. I know this will be challenging, given that you probably speak some hybrid language of English and Dumbass, but fool her into thinking you are educated.5. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!!! IF YOU ONLY TAKE ONE THING FROM THIS AD- TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT NOT NOT INCLUDE A PICTURE OF YOUR PENIS. You may believe that your penis is your best attribute and thus want to showcase it in your ad- DON'T DO IT. Girls do not really like starring at your penis (shocking, I know). Women aren't visually stimulated in the way that men are: a picture of your penis does not have the same effect on her as a picture of her boobs do on you. As a woman, I can assure you that I have never seen a picture of a stranger's penis and thought: "Wow, that looks so good, I want to have sex with him right now". Well, that's it. I doubt any of you has read this far, or that some of you can even read at all, but here it is. Try not to send hate mail if you are offended. :)

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I am a sexy african american woman looking for a man black, white or hispanic. I want you to talk to me. Let me see your dick through an email so I can tell you how I want it in my throat then in my juicy slippery pussy.. I want to talk for now but i [...]

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Looking to drop your pad and trade services, love the way my pussy looks and am hoping your cock. 5'5, 140 lbs clean healthy horny and hard, please be the same. Say hi can play all day if you can host.
